quinta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2013

HOT TOPICS 05/12/2013


TELECOM NEWS143 unread articles  //  actions

tw telecom Joins Fight Against AT&T's Special-Access Rate Hike
Managed-services provider tw telecom has filed a petition with the FCC to suspend and investigate AT&T's proposal to eliminate certain long-term contracts that offer pricing discounts.
FCC Approves Verizon Purchase of Vodafone Stake in Verizon Wireless
The U.S. Federal Communications Commission has given its blessing to Verizon Communication's proposed US$130 billion purchase of the stake that Vodafone Group has in Verizon Wireless.
China Mobile signs deal with Apple to offer iPhone: WSJ
China Mobile Ltd , the country's largest mobile operator, has signed a long-awaited deal with Apple Inc to offer iPhones on its network, the Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday, citing an anonymous source familiar with the matter.
Oracle vs. Google: Appeal may overturn key finding in Android's use of Java
Oracle asked a U.S. appeals court Wednesday to let it again pursue claims Google owes it more than $1 billion for building its Android operating system, the most popular platform for mobile phones, using copied code.
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SALA DE IMPRENSA - ANACOM2 unread articles  //  actions

NET.mede recebe mais de 32 mil visitas em 24 horas
O NET.mede, o medidor de velocidade de acesso à internet lançado ontem pela ANACOM, recebeu 32 298 visitas em 24 horas.
Fibra ótica é a tecnologia que mais contribui para o crescimento da internet fixa
No final de setembro existiam em Portugal cerca de 2,5 milhões de acessos fixos à Internet, mais 1,7% do que no trimestre anterior e mais 6,7 do que no período homólogo.
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THE 3G4G BLOG8 unread articles  //  actions

Quick summary on LTE and UMTS / HSPA Release-12 evolution by 3GPP
A quick summary from 3GPP about the Release-12 progress (Jun. 2014 release planned) from the recent ETSI Future Mobile Summit. Presentation and video embedded below
ETSI Summit on Future Mobile and Standards for 5G
Edited from the original in 3GPP News:The ETSI Future Mobile Summit has heard how the mobile internet will evolve over the next ten to fifteen years, and how 3GPP systems will ensure future stability as the network copes with an explosive growth in complexity and usage.With 3GPP providing the evolutionary framework for mobility, via its Releases of new functionality and features, the more radical
Bandwidth is not the answer – it’s stationarity
Martin Geddes did an interesting presentation in Future of Broadband workshop. The ITU has the following write-up on that workshopEye-opening, evangelical and extremely well attended: this afternoon’s Future of Broadband workshop was all about exploding established concepts on how telcos should go about improving both customer experience and their bottom line.Ranking broadband in terms of speed is
SON Periodical table
Came across this in a presentation from the SON Conference back in Oct. 2013.
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TELCO 2.05 unread articles  //  actions

Telcos could lose up to $172bn from core revenues in 5 years
Our latest major report The Future Value of Voice and Messaging shows that telcos could lose up to $172bn from core revenues in five years if they don't make dramatic improvements to their voice and messaging strategies. The declines are due to so-called 'Over The Top' (OTT) competition, vulnerable pricing structures, economic pressures and societal changes. The research shows how Telcos can figh
The Future Value of Voice and Messaging: >$80 billion to play for
Our latest strategy report The Future Value of Voice and Messaging shows how telcos can slow the decline of voice and messaging revenues and build new communications services to maximise revenues and relevance with both consumer and enterprise customers. It includes detailed forecasts for 9 markets, in which the total decline is forecast between -25% and -46% on a $375bn base between 2012 and 2018
Vodafone H1s, UK focus, T-Mobile USA, MTN, Voice 2.0, Apple CAPEX: Telco 2.0 News Review
Strategy & Finance: Vodafone endures hellish H1, hopes for European recovery. Will the users change back?US Carriers: T-Mobile USA grabs another million subscribers; US spectrum; where did that exaflood get to?Emerging Markets: Facebook joins GSMA; South African market on point of change; "We'll prioritise Skype"Cloud Computing: Amazon - the cloud is all about energy; Kinesis massive
Innovation Souq! - 6 Demos in 42 Minutes
The Innovation Souq session at our Digital Arabia event is a new format in our events that we're hoping to roll out more broadly. Each participant pitches their innovation for 7 minutes, and when all of them are done, the delegates can wander around the souq and meet them informally. Etisalat's demo combines mobile payments, advertising, and augmented reality. You can point a mobile device camera
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DIGITAL TRENDS14 unread articles  //  actions

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GIZMODO16 unread articles  //  actions

Those Mexican Cobalt-60 Thieves Will Die of Radiation Exposure
Those Mexican thieves that stole a truckload of cobalt-60? They're virtually sure to die, according to experts.
This Is the Official Color of 2014
Pantone, the self-declared official body in control of the entire visible spectrum, has announced the color of the year for 2014. You're looking at it.
NASA explains how it knows so much about alien planets
How do you understand something you can barely see, never visited and is light years away from us? By being really, really smart at connecting dots. In this video, NASA explains its process in figuring out what alien planets are like with the limited information it has.
The 2015 Ford Mustang Is The Most Advanced Muscle Car Ever Built
When you think "muscle car" many picture a prehistoric V8 belching exhaust and cheesy rock music. The 2015 Ford Mustang is not that car. They've chopped the number of cylinders in half and added a host of new tech so they can promise more power, performance, and, yes, even efficiency. It doesn't just look like the future. It is the future.
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WIRED TOP STORIES10 unread articles  //  actions

Someone's Been Siphoning Data Through a Huge Security Hole in the Internet
Earlier this year, researchers say, someone mysteriously hijacked internet traffic headed to government agencies, corporate offices and other recipients in the U.S. and elsewhere and redirected it to Belarus and Iceland, before sending it on its way to its legitimate destinations. They did so repeatedly over several months. But luckily someone did notice.    
Bugs and Spiders Disguised as Poop, Leaves, and Each Other
Insects and spiders are masters of disguise, easily hiding in plain sight while pretending to be plants, dung, or one another.    
Don't Wait for the 'Unfollow' Button, Hide Your Annoying Facebook Friends Right Now
Facebook is rolling out an "Unfollow" button that'll make it easier to turn off updates from friends and family that share a little too much on the social site.    
Experimental Website Lets You Download Amazing House Blueprints for Free
Paperhouses is an open source architecture platform that's bringing high-quality housing designs to the masses.    
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TELETIME NEWS11 unread articles  //  actions

Política: Governo cria grupo de trabalho para combater espionagem
O grupo é formado por representantes dos mais variados ministérios e órgãos do governo e tem sete meses para apresentar um plano estratégico de aprefeiçoamento das políticas públicas voltadas à segurança e defesa cibernética
Regulamentação: Ancine começa a estudar necessidade de regulação do VOD e do OTT
Segundo a diretora da Ancine Rosana Alcântara, é papel da agência estimular o desenvolvimento e a exploração do potencial dos serviços pela produção brasileira, na forma do marco regulatório
Serviço público: Especialista defende o princípio da proporcionalidade na análise da questão dos bens reversíveis
A advogada especialista na Lei Geral de Telecomunicações Helena Xavier lembra que a concessão não está necessariamente atrelada a uma relação de bens reversíveis, e que é possível que em 2025 a prestação do STFC em regime público não faça mais sentido
Infraestrutura: SindiTelebrasil lança guia com melhores práticas para instalações de ERBs
Documento, elaborado com base em estudo do CPqD, traz diretrizes para a implantação de estações radiobase em ambientes urbanos, bem como sugestões de licenciamento junto às prefeituras
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MINISTÉRIO DAS COMUNICAÇÕES - MINIS...15 unread articles  //  actions

Áreas de assentamento poderão executar serviço de radcom
Aviso de habilitação para novas rádios comunitárias contempla 30 municípios de 13 Estados de todas as regiões do Brasil  Brasília,…
Copa do Mundo antecipa investimentos do governo em telecomunicações
Sauipe, Bahia, 4/12/2013 - A Copa do Mundo 2014, realizada no Brasil, está antecipando investimentos do governo em telecomunicações. Foi o…
Presidenta autoriza migração das emissoras de rádio AM para a faixa FM
Decreto que permite a mudança foi assinado durante uma solenidade para comemorar o Dia do Radialista Brasília, 07/11/2013 - A…
Aplicativo desenvolvido com recursos do Funttel melhora vida de deficientes visuais
Ferramenta pode ser baixada gratuitamente em telefones celulares com o sistema operacional Android Brasília, 3/12/2013 - Está disponível para download…
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NOTÍCIAS - MINISTÉRIO DAS COMUNICAÇ...26 unread articles  //  actions

Áreas de assentamento poderão executar serviço de radcom
Aviso de habilitação para novas rádios comunitárias contempla 30 municípios de 13 Estados de todas as regiões do Brasil  Brasília, 05/12/2013 –  O MiniCom publicou nesta terça-feira (3), no Diário Oficial, aviso de habilitação para a execução do serviço de radiodifusão comunitária em municípios situados na área de influência da BR-163, que faz a ligação entre o Rio Grande do Sul e o Pará, e locali
Presidenta autoriza migração das emissoras de rádio AM para a faixa FM
Decreto que permite a mudança foi assinado durante uma solenidade para comemorar o Dia do Radialista Brasília, 07/11/2013 - A presidenta Dilma Rousseff assinou, nesta quinta-feira (7), o decreto que autoriza a migração das emissoras de rádio que operam na faixa AM para a faixa FM. Na cerimônia, que teve lugar no Palácio do Planalto, a presidenta afirmou que as emissoras AM fazem parte da história
São Paulo vai sediar conferência internacional sobre governança na internet
Previsto para os dias 24 e 25 de abril, o encontro deverá tratar de temas como segurança na rede, espionagem e crimes cibernéticos Brasília, 18/11/2013  -  São Paulo vai sediar nos dias 24 e 25 de abril de 2014 uma conferência internacional para debater o novo modelo de governança global da internet. A proposta do Governo Federal foi anunciada na manhã desta segunda-feira pelos ministros das Comun
Ministros aprovam teste com balões para oferta de internet banda larga
Projeto Conectar foi desenvolvido para levar o sinal de internet às comunidades distantes dos grandes centros urbanos  Brasilia, 14/11/2013 - Foi lançado na manhã desta quinta-feira (15), em Cachoeira Paulista (SP), o projeto Conectar, que tem como objetivo levar o sinal de internet às comunidades distantes dos centros urbanos por meio de balões equipados com um sistema de comunicação. O equipamen
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OFCOM | MEDIA AND ANALYSTS13 unread articles  //  actions

Regulators welcome government cross-sectoral study
A joint statement from the CAA, Ofcom, Ofgem, ORR and Ofwat, 5 December 2013 The UK’s economic regulators today welcomed the Government’s study to identify ways in which cross-sectoral approaches and collaboration across regulators could improve outcomes for consumers. It aims to build on UK’s strong track record of independent regulation, which has delivered better value, more choice and improved
Ensuring 3G coverage compliance
Ofcom has today published the outcome of an assessment of whether the UK’s major mobile phone networks are meeting their 3G coverage obligations.Ofcom has today published the outcome of an assessment of whether the UK’s major mobile phone networks are meeting their 3G coverage obligations. When 3G mobile spectrum licences were awarded in 2000, they included an obligation to roll-out services to 80
Dame Patricia Hodgson named preferred candidate as next Ofcom Chairman
The Government today named Dame Patricia Hodgson as the preferred candidate as the next Chairman of Ofcom. The Government today named Dame Patricia Hodgson as the preferred candidate as the next Chairman of Ofcom. The Culture, Media and Sport Committee will hold a pre-appointment hearing with Dame Patricia on 17 December 2013. As previously announced, current Ofcom Chairman Colette Bowe will step
New ‘Easy Read’ mobile phone guide for people with learning disabilities
Ofcom today published a guide to using a mobile phone, designed to be easily understood by people with learning disabilities.Ofcom today published a guide to using a mobile phone, designed to be easily understood by people with learning disabilities. Ofcom is the first UK regulatory body to publish consumer advice in the ‘Easy Read’ format, which makes information more accessible to people with le
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OLHAR DIGITAL - ÚLTIMAS NOTÍCIAS14 unread articles  //  actions

Justiça proíbe lançamento do Tubby
O aplicativo Tubby, anunciado como "vingança" dos homens que foram avaliados pelas mulheres no Lulu, não poderá ser lançado no Brasil, graças a uma decisão da 15ª Vara Criminal de Belo Horizonte proferida na noite de feira, 4. A estreia do app estava prevista para ontem mas foi adiada para sexta-feira, 6, por causa da alta demanda. Agora a Justiça proibiu que os desenvolvedores, o Facebo
União Europeia aprova fusão de Microsoft e Nokia e descarta monopólio
Depois dos Estados Unidos, chegou a vez da União Europeia dar o "ok" para a aquisição da divisão de dispositivos e serviços da Nokia pela Microsoft. Em comunicado emitido pela organização, a Comissão alega que não há problemas em relação a um possível monopólio iniciado com a fusão."A sobreposição das atividades das duas empresas é mínima nesta área e vários rivais fortes continuarã
Samsung pode lançar smartphones com tela transparente
As telas flexíveis não são a única aposta futurística da Samsung - que já lançou o Galaxy Round usando tal tecnologia. Também entraram em jogo as telas transparentes, conforme revelado por uma patente registrada pela companhia sul-coreana. O documento mostra como o display de um smartphone pode ser controlado por ambos os lados. Durante um vídeo, por exemplo, tocar na parte traseira poderia pausar
Índia pede ajuda aos EUA para espionar seus cidadãos
Enquanto boa parte do mundo está irritada com a espionagem dos Estados Unidos, a Índia nada no sentido contrário e até pedirá ajuda para bisbilhotas as conversas de seus cidadãos. O país quer que os americanos compartilhem sua tecnologia de desencriptação para invadir Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, Wechat e BBM. Uma nota de agenda do Ministério do Interior da União divulgada pelo Economic Times revela qu
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OLHAR DIGITAL - ÚLTIMOS VÍDEOS10 unread articles  //  actions

Que diferença faz um processador de 64 bits no celular?
Zero e um! É com esse sistema binário básico que ainda hoje funcionam os computadores endash; e, sim, podemos generalizar; qualquer computador. As máquinas só entendem sequencias desses dois dígitos que, na informática, são conhecidos como bits. Simplificando a história, quantidade de bits de um processador representa quantos eldquo;zeroserdquo; e eldquo;unserdquo; em sequencia ele usa para se com
Testamos o Xperia Z Ultra, um celular com tela de 6,4 polegadas
Grande demais para um smartphone e pequeno demais para um tablet, o Xperia Z Ultra sofre uma crise de identidade. Até mesmo na categorias dos phablets é difícil encaixá-lo. Também pudera, com sua tela de 6,4 polegadas, configurações top de linha, e recursos interessantes, o objetivo do aparelho é impressionar. Entre acertos e erros, a Sony conseguiu criar um aparelho interessante, que é vendido po
Testamos o Xperia Z Ultra, um celular com 6,4 polegadas
Grande demais para um smartphone e pequeno demais para um tablet, o Xperia Z Ultra sofre uma crise de identidade. Até mesmo na categorias dos phablets é difícil encaixá-lo. Também pudera, com sua tela de 6,4 polegadas, configurações top de linha, e recursos interessantes, o objetivo do aparelho é impressionar. Entre acertos e erros, a Sony conseguiu criar um aparelho interessante, que é vendido po
Vídeo: teste elege Moto G o melhor smartphone até R$ 650
Testes e mais testes. Toda vez que precisamos avaliar smartphones, o Laboratório Digital se mobiliza em torno das mais diferentes características dos aparelhos. E dessa vez não foi diferente, ainda que estejamos falando de aparelhos mais baratos endash; os chamados de entrada endash; são smartphones de verdade, com tudo que você tem direito. É claro que são mais simples, mas a questão principal aq
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PLANTÃO DE NOTÍCIAS | TELESÍNTESE10 unread articles  //  actions

Ações da TIM registram maior queda do Ibovespa
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Papéis da Vivo registram alta. Oscilações refletem decisões do Cade de ontem
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Sky está se distanciando da primeira colocada, a NET/Embratel
Em doze meses, diferença de participação de mercado entre as duas empresas passou de 21,6 p.p. para 23,7 p.p.
Parlamentares falam em fim da urgância para Marco Civil
Com a retirada da urgência para a avaliação do projeto, o Marco Civil deixa de trancar a pauta de votações e só será apreciado em 2014.
Anatel define tarifas de VU-M de teles com PMS para 2014 e 2015. Redução chega a 50%.
A taxa de terminação do celular vai custar em média R$ 0,24 no próximo ano e R$ 0,17 em 2015.
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CONVERGENCIADIGITAL.UOL.COM.BR/7 unread articles  //  actions

Indústria reduz investimento na inovação tecnológica
Os investimentos feitos pelas empresas em inovação tecnológica atingiram, em 2011, R$ 64,9 bilhões – equivalente a 2,56% da receita líquida de vendas. Na indústria, a aquisição de máquinas e equipamentos continua a ser a atividade que mais concentra gastos com inovação: 1,11% sobre a receita líquida de vendas, revela o IBGE.
Serviços na nuvem: 'guerra de preços' virá para o Brasil
O presidente da IBM Brasil, Rodrigo Kede, adverte, no entanto, que essa pode ser 'uma ação muito perigossa'. Executivo afirmou ainda que para TI, a Copa do Mundo não trouxe os resultados esperados.
CADE manda Telefônica sair da Telecom Italia ou achar novo sócio para ocupar a Vivo
Saída da Portugal Telecom da operadora móvel já teria ferido o acordo com o Cade que envolve o ingresso da Telefônica na Telecom Itália. Mas a opção não existe na prática. A Vivo, isolada, exigiria separar o que foi unificado – toda a operação do grupo Telefônica no Brasil.
Enquanto negociam Lei das Antenas, teles divulgam ‘manual’ para prefeituras
No 4G, até o momento, as teles já instalaram 8.551 mil antenas em 74 municípios.
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TELA VIVA NEWS10 unread articles  //  actions

Lei do SeAC: Ancine aponta alta salarial com o aquecimento do mercado produção
Além disso, vem crescendo exponencialmente o número de Certificado de Registro de Obra para TV por assinatura emitidos pela Ancine. No primeiro trimestre de 2012, 116 CRTs foram emitidos para TV paga, contra 928 no terceiro trimestre de 2013
Regulamentação: Ancine começa a estudar necessidade de regulação do VOD e do OTT
Segundo a diretora da Ancine Rosana Alcântara, é papel da agência estimular o desenvolvimento e a exploração do potencial dos serviços pela produção brasileira, na forma do marco regulatório
Regulamentação: Para Minicom, conceito de SVA não precisa ser revisto, mas tem que ser flexível
"O conceito de SVA é uma régua de liberdade regulatória. Essa régua pode se mover de forma mais flexível", disse Artur Coimbra, diretor de banda larga do ministério. Serviços OTT, hoje totalmente desregulados, poderiam passar a ser regulados sem a necessidade de extinguir o conceito presente na Lei
Premiação: APCA anuncia finalistas na categoria de televisão
Neste ano, o júri da associação decidiu realizar uma votação prévia devido à grande quantidade de atrações nacionais produzidas para TV aberta e canais de TV por assinatura.
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THE NEXT WEB15 unread articles  //  actions

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TELECOM ASIA RSS10 unread articles  //  actions

China finally issues 4G licenses
After over a year of speculations, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MITT) has finally granted 4G licenses to the country’s three mobile carriers. China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom all have received a license to provide 4G service using the Beijing-backed TD-LTE technology, according to a notice on the MIIT’s website. The ministry also awarded China Mobile a licen
NTT Com, NEC, Sumitomo wrap up in Myanmar
Japan's NTT Com, NEC and Sumitomo have completed construction work in their joint project to deploy communications infrastructure in Myanmar. As part of the contract, the three companies have deployed a 30Gbps core optical network between three major Myanmar cities, 50 LTE base stations, a virtualized EPC and more backbone infrastructure. The companies said the new infrastructure will support simu
HKBN boosts FY13 ebitda by 10%
Hong Kong Broadband Network (HKBN) has reported a 9.6% increase in ebitda for its first full financial year since its buyout in 2012. The company reported an ebitda for the year ending in August of HK$711 million. Net profit fell to HK$358 million from HK$495 million, but last year's results were influenced by the buyout. Service revenue increased 6.4% to HK$1.83 billion. HKBN attributed the growt
StarHub claims SEA first with GSM VoLTE call
Singapore's StarHub has staked a claim of being the first mobile operator in Southeast Asia to conduct a commercial GSM VoLTE call over its live LTE network. The company conducted the call using VoLTE equipment from NSN that conforms to the GSMA VoLTE IR.92 specification. StarHub revealed it plans to make the service available to customers next year, once a range of VoLTE-capable handsets are comm
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DAILYWIRELESS.ORG10 unread articles  //  actions

NSA Tracking 5 Billion Cellphone Records
The NSA is gathering nearly 5 billion records a day on the whereabouts of cellphones around the world, according to documents obtained by the Washington Post. That enables the agency to track the movements of individuals — and map their relationships — in ways that would have been previously unimaginable. The NSA does not target Americans’ location data by design, but the agency acquires a
China Issues TD-LTE Licenses
China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology today issued licenses for the TD-LTE standard to the country’s three carriers, China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom. China, the world’s biggest smartphone market, has some 1.2 billion mobile users as of the end of October. China Mobile is the world’s largest cellular provider with 759 million subscribers, or 62.3 percent of the Chi
Bluetooth 4.1 Released
Bluetooth 4.1 was officially released today, building on the current low power model. The updated version improves usability with increased coexistence support for LTE and data exchange, and empower developer innovation, said Errett Kroeter, director of brand marketing for the Bluetooth SIG (specs). Bluetooth 4.1 improvements include: Coexistence. Bluetooth and LTE radios can communicate in ord
Apple’s iBeacon: Location via Bluetooth 4.0
iBeacons are an indoor positioning system promoted by Apple for IOS-7 devices. They can also be used by the Android 4.3 operating system or later. Companies such as StickNFind and Estimote are already creating cheap iBeacon-compatible hardware. iBeacon uses Bluetooth Low Energy (aka Bluetooth 4.0 or Bluetooth Smart) to calculate micro location at key locations around a building. Apple is expected
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TELECOM RAMBLINGS12 unread articles  //  actions

Peak Taps Telx For Cloud Expansion
Peak, which shortened its name from PeakColo over the summer, is partnering with Telx in order to expand rapidly into two new markets. They’re deploying cloud nodes in Telx’s SCL2 facility in Santa Clara and its ATL1 facility in Atlanta. … [visit site to read more]
GlobeNet Lands In Colombia
Colombia has a new submarine cable landing to the east. GlobeNet announced today the completion of its subsea extension, bringing both direct connectivity to Miami and a lower latency path between Colombia and Brazil into play. … [visit site to read more]
With Wheeler at the FCC Helm, Industry Waits to See Which Way He Jumps
It’s been quite some time since we weren’t quite sure where the FCC Chairman was trying to steer the boat. But since he formally took over a month ago, Tom Wheeler’s agenda has seemed harder to get a handle on than past commissioners. … [visit site to read more]
Network Roundup: OCG, Cologix, Zayo, inexio
Here’s a quick look at some news from the fiber networking front: … [visit site to read more]
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TELECOM TALK11 unread articles  //  actions

Idea Cellular launches 21.6 Mbps 3G NetSetter Priced at Rs. 2,160
Idea Cellular has launched 21.6 Mbps 3G NetSetter in Maharashtra & Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh, and Kerala priced at Rs. 2,160.  Idea users can avail from a range of 3G data packs starting from Rs. 250 for 1GB to Rs. 1250 for 10GB data, and enjoy recently reduced data... Full Post on http://telecomtalk.info
ASUS and Google Launches Nexus 7 (2013) 16GB WiFi and 32GB 4G LTE in India for Rs.20999 and Rs.27999
ASUS and Google today announced the launch of the all new Nexus 7 (2013)  16GB WiFi and 32GB LTE version of its 7-inch android 4.3 tablet priced at Rs.Rs.20999 and Rs.27999 in India. It has a 7-inch 16:10 Full HD (1920 x 1200 WUXGA) display with a 30 percent wider color gamut and 10-finger... Full Post on http://telecomtalk.info
TRAI Report : High Number of Billing Disputes (Postpaid & Prepaid) Against Vodafone, Idea Cellular, BSNL and Aircel
India’s leading mobile service providers Vodafone, Idea Cellular BSNL and Aircel are tops on the list of higher billing dispute in several telecom circles during the quarter ended June, 2013 according to sector regulator TRAI’s Telecom Services Performance Indicators Report (Metering... Full Post on http://telecomtalk.info
Why Vodafone’s New Postpaid plans are better than Airtel My plan : Our Analysis
Vodafone IN has launched 5 postpaid plans for Karnataka Circle starting this December 2013 for new and existing customers. These 5 postpaid plans are in price segments of 199(/sec & /min), 299 and 399(/sec & /min) respectively and also come with good monthly benefits. My opinion immediately... Full Post on http://telecomtalk.info
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TELECOMPAPER HEADLINES54 unread articles  //  actions

China Mobile, Apple sign iPhone agreement - report
(Telecompaper) China Mobile has signed a deal with Apple to sell iPhones on its network, reports the Wall Street Journal citing an unnamed person familiar with the situation. The launch of iPhones on the China Mobile network is expected to start later in December, around the time of a China Mobile conference scheduled for 18 December in Guangzhou, according to people familiar with the operator's p
EC clears sale of Nokia devices business to Microsoft
(Telecompaper) The European Commission (EC) has cleared the proposed acquisition of Nokia's devices and services business by Microsoft. The EC concluded that the deal would not raise any competition concerns, in particular because there are only modest overlaps between their activities. It decided that the links between Microsoft's mobile operating systems, mobile applications and enterprise mail
Cade orders Telefonica to scale back Brazil assets
(Telecompaper) Brazil's anti-trust regulator, Cade, has ruled that Telefonica must scale back its influence in the Brazilian telecoms sector by finding a new partner for its Vivo mobile phone unit or else convince Telecom Italia to sell its controlling stake in Tim Participacoes. The ruling, which is now definitive, also confirms the fine of BRL 15 million imposed on Telefonica for breaking a perf
China issues TD-LTE licences
(Telecompaper) China Unicom, China Mobile, and China Telecom have received official TD-LTE mobile licences from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). China Telecom and Unicom said they would apply for LTE FDD licences as soon as possible.
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TELECOMS53 unread articles  //  actions

Ofcom chair nominee faces pension grilling
Dame Patricia Hodgson will appear before the culture, media and sport committee on December 17, when the issue of BBC payments is likely to be raised
Three trims US roaming fee to lure custom
“Feel at home” strategy attempt by UK’s smallest mobile group to draw custom by innovative tariffs and offers, including free UK 4G services next year
China issues 4G mobile licences
China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom get formal approval to build rapid mobile internet networks in the world’s biggest telecoms market
US senators warn on Huawei South Korea deal
Lawmakers warn in a letter coinciding with US vice-president’s trip to Japan, China and S Korea the Huawei deal with S Korea raises spying concerns
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TELECOMS.COM83 unread articles  //  actions

UK government to invest in rural coverage and driverless cars
The government wants to make the UK a world centre for the testing and development of driverless cars The UK government will open a £10m fund in early 2014 to test innovative solutions to deliver superfast broadband services to remote areas of the UK. It has also pledged to make the UK a centre for the testing and development of driverless cars. The fund is part of the UK’s national infrastructure
Deutsche Telekom partners with Twitter
Deutsche Telekom has announced a strategic partnership with Twitter to create a tailored experience for the operator’s devices German carrier Deutsche Telekom has announced a strategic partnership with Twitter, allowing subscribers with selected Android smartphones to keep up with the social site directly from their home screen. The service will launch next year, initially in Germany, the Netherla
US firm looks to disrupt international call market
Ultra Mobile is aiming to disrupt the market with an international call plan starting at $19 per month US MVNO Ultra Mobile, already disruptive with its free international texting plan, has launched an international calling plan packing 1,000 minutes for $19 per month. The firm, which operates on the T-Mobile USA network, said its service eliminates the need for calling cards and global texting ad
UK operators devise game plans
EE and O2 have announced gaming partnerships in a bid to create differentiation in their service offerings UK operators EE and O2 have announced gaming partnerships in a bid to create differentiation in their service offerings. EE has partnered with US games network provider WildTangent and mobile solutions provider Infomedia allowing WildTangent’s games service to feature on select EE handsets. O
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Euronews: Nokia/Microsoft Deal Wins EC Approval
Also in today's EMEA regional roundup: Vodafone's Verizon stake sale gets the nod in US; Huawei in the UK; French government raps Iliad.
Cable's Business Boom
The cable business services market has been growing rapidly in recent years, and there's still room for further expansion.
China Issues 4G TDD Licences
China issues 4G licenses for LTE TDD operations, but FDD will have to wait.
US Senators Stir Up Huawei Security Concerns
Huawei once more faces opposition in Washington to its business with an important US ally, South Korea.
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CPI RSS221 unread articles  //  actions

Namibia: Tire merger plans kick-off next March
Investment holding firm Nictus announced plans to acquire Trentyre in a deal worth more than $3 million, say reports. The companies said they plan to finalize the deal next March, when they also expect clearance from the Namibian Competition Commission. As part o the buyout, Nictus has agreed to continue operating Trentyre operations as normal, which include commercial contracts with Goodyear Sout
Germany/Austria: Regulators pave way for 2014 launch of rail operator
Authorities within Germany and Austria have now cleared the proposed merger between rail logistics firms VTG and Kuehne & Nagel in a deal that will launch a new rail operating company on January 1. The new company, to be named VTG Rail Logistics, will combine VTG’s current operations in the EU, Russia and North America with Kuehne & Nagel’s rail logistics operations focused in the EU and A
Russia: Gazprom planning settlement offer to end EU probe
State-owned gas monopoly Gazprom is reportedly planning to offer a settlement to the European Commission in efforts to quell competition concerns that the Russian firm is abusing its market dominance by imposing unfair prices in central and eastern Europe. The Commission first began its probe in 2012 over the prices, suspecting the natural gas firm of pricing long-term natural gas prices to oil pr
Hong Kong: ASM Pacific Tech boosts sector consolidation
ASM Pacific Technology announced the acquisition of tech firm DEK, a deal that further consolidates the market for SMT process equipment, the technology used to create electronic circuit boards. The deal remains subject to clearance by regulators. Reports say ASM’s buyout does not come as a surprise following the breakdown of earlier talks between DEK and ITW. DEK parent company Dover Corp. announ
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TOTAL TELECOM RSS FEED162 unread articles  //  actions

Brazil issues warning over Telefonica plan to raise Telecom Italia stake
Antitrust agency sends operators ultimatum in bid to preserve competition.
AT&T, T-Mobile eyeing Verizon Wireless spectrum
700-MHz spectrum expected to fetch up to $2.75 billion.
Canada warning big three carriers: Hands off Mobilicity
Five-year moratorium on mobile operator's spectrum due to end in February 2014.
Report says Chorus may not meet fibre contractual commitments
Ernst & Young warns regulatory changes to copper pricing will have significant impact on New Zealand telco's financial position.
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ANATEL - GOOGLE NEWS97 unread articles  //  actions

Comissão do Senado aprova novo diretor da Anatel - Terra Brasil
Comissão do Senado aprova novo diretor da AnatelTerra BrasilO nome de Igor Vilas Boas de Freitas foi aprovado pela Comissão de Infraestrutura do Senado, por unanimidade, para a o cargo de diretor da Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel). Na mesma sessão foi aprovado, também por unanimidade, ...
Comissão do Senado aprova novos nomes para a direção da Anatel - Diário de Pernambuco
Senado » Comissão do Senado aprova novos nomes para a direção da AnatelDiário de Pernambuco (Assinatura)Brasília – Aprovado pela Comissão de Infraestrutura do Senado, por unanimidade, o nome de Igor Vilas Boas de Freitas para a o cargo de diretor da Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel). Na mesma sessão foi aprovado, também por ...
Brazil's Anatel announces 50% cut in mobile interconnect fee - Telecompaper
Brazil's Anatel announces 50% cut in mobile interconnect feeTelecompaper (subscription)Brazilian regulator Anatel has fixed the reference values for the mobile interconnection fee (VU-M) for providers with a significant market power (SMP) for 2014 and 2015. From 24 February 2014, the new values will be reduced by 25 percent compared with ...STXNEWS LATAM-Brazil to cut interconnection rates between
Matthei abrirá el debate de Anatel del 10 de diciembre - Terra Chile
Matthei abrirá el debate de Anatel del 10 de diciembreTerra ChileSegún el sorteo realizado este miércoles en la sede de Anatel, la presidenciable de la Alianza, Evelyn Matthei será la primera en contestar las preguntas de los periodistas en el debate organizado por la entidad, que se llevará a cabo el 10 de ...Evelyn Matthei abrirá y cerrara el debate presidencial AnatelBachelet iniciará las inter
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INFO ONLINE - NOTÍCIAS966 unread articles  //  actions

Crackers roubam 2 mi de senhas do Facebook, Google e Twitter
Um grupo de hackers roubou dados de mais de 2 milhões de usuários de redes sociais e plataformas de e-mail como Google, Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo e LinkedIn. As informações... - por Vanessa Daraya
Maior parte dos filmes mudos dos EUA se perdeu, revela estudo
Quase três quartos dos filmes de longa metragem mudos dos Estados Unidos foram perdidos, e o legado que pôs Hollywood na linha de frente da indústria do cinema de... - por Reuters
Obama proibido de usar iPhone por razões de segurança
O presidente dos Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, confessou nesta quarta-feira que não tem direito a usar um iPhone por razões de segurança, mas que suas duas filhas... - por AFP
Natura abre Ecoparque para negócios sustentáveis
A Natura vai abrir no início do ano de 2014, no município de Benevides, no Pará, o seu Ecoparque - um espaço destinado à industrialização de produtos da floresta... - por Estadão Conteúdo

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